Monday, November 13, 2006 in sick

It's Monday...again. It's raining...again. And half the company has called in sick...again. But not me. Here I am sitting at my desk, listening to the hum of the rain drops on my window and forcing myself to get work done. Why? Because I'm not sick. But something tells me that my co-workers who aren't in are also not sick. I should, now that I think of it, actually consider myself sicker than them for being at work. Even my coordinator called in sick, so I have no one to torture today.

I actually spent some time this morning doing a little research and found this web page "
How to Beat the Monday Morning Blues". Please take a minute to review. Okay, now steps 1-6 are gibberish and step 7 is just stupid!

  • Step 1: Sleep an extra hour?! If I had an extra hour to sleep, I wouldn't be getting up at the time that I get up.
  • Step 2: ignore this it will be 30 seconds of your life you cannot get back.
  • Step 3: Hope out of bed, lingering will draw out the agony. Oh please, lingering isn't the agony it's the getting out of bed after I'm done lingering that's painful.
  • Step 4: End your shower with a jolt of cold water - no thank you.
  • Step 5: Get out in the sunlight. Great work, Einstein. If there was sunlight today I would happily frolic outside.
  • Step 6: Drink coffee or another caffeine beverage. Although it's not healthy to drink caffeine to the point of addiction...this is blasphemy. addiction? caffeine?
  • Step 7: Anticipate your Monday morning on Friday afternoon. This is where I started laughing. The last thing I want to do on a Friday afternoon is anticipate Monday morning.
Here is my "How to beat the Monday morning Blues":

Step 1: Get up a little earlier and take your time getting ready. By the time you walk out the door you'll feel refreshed and energized.

Step 2: Dress for success. Fight the urge to wear those worn in slacks and flats. Instead toss on a pair of sexy lace stockings, a flowing skirt, and layered top. Don't forget the heels. A full face of make-up will also make you feel like a million dollars. The cuter you are the better you'll feel.

Step 3: Spend a few dollars and stop at Starbucks. There's no excuse, you probably pass over a dozen on your way to work. They have a great gingerbread latte out and even carrying the cup can up your happy factors.

Step 4: Read all the fun mail in your inbox first. Daily Candy, Short List, trade emails, notes from friends. Get a smile in before the tornado of Monday morning hits. You'll also clear half your inbox this way so you can sort of feel productive.

Step 6: Leave on time. Do not under any circumstance work past 7 or 8pm. You have at least 4 more days of work left. If you can't get it done on Monday, everything will be okay. Working late should happen Tuesday - Thursday.

These are just my thoughts on Monday morning as I battle my blues.

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