Friday, October 27, 2006

The Promotion...

P-R-O-M-O-T-I-O-N! Okay, I knew it was coming but I'm still excited. A promotion at a company in a year is great...not to mention the 30% raise and the $13,000 bonus (this is the part I'm really excited about...this was unexpected...though taxes are going to be a killer). It was also a great review (if they only knew the truth). Embarrassing to say this, but it was almost a guarantee...what I've done for the network in a year is pretty crazy. All it took was a handful of words - "I can do it" - and I was able to launch new initiatives, add a fresh perspective on promotions, and received a ton of work. The 96 hour work week peaks around events was a bit much, fortunately for me the security is so tight there was no way for them not to know how long I was working.

Word to the young working woman - not all companies are as grateful or ethical as mine (even mine isn't as grateful or ethical as they may sound). I actually think most companies would have taken advantage of the work ethic and given me a slap on back, "Good Work", and a 10,000 pennies. At some point when you're working the crazy hours you need to step back and take a look. Do they care? Are you happy? Is there a point to working these hours at the company you find yourself at? I did this numerous times during my quarterly "I don't have a life" breakdowns. Fortunately for me, I knew there would be a reward at the end of the year. At least I made it so that there wouldn't be an option for the company not to recognize my work and I was prepared to release myself to a headhunter if they didn't see it the same way.

So what does a promotion really means the end of life as I know it. I was always accountable for my work and the work of anyone working on an event/promotion, but now I'm really really responsible for everyone's work - and they're adding one more body to the mix to help out with the website promotions and new media initiatives that I've been charged with. *Sigh* Today is my day off to relax and reflect on the year that just passed (despite the one meeting I had to attend off-site even though it's a vacation day), but Monday is back to, well back to Monday...

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